Remember at school PE lessons when a warm-up consisted of holding static stretches in the cold? Thankfully times have changed after some bright spark realised it is probably a good idea to WARM UP during your warm up. In an effort to save you both time and tendons, we’ve scoured the land for some of the best free warm-up videos.
As the pros will tell you, warm ups should be tailored to the type of activity you are doing. But after a long day of work / school / kids, you don’t want to think about it. For most, a mixture of light cardio and dynamic stretches does the job, and our list doesn’t disappoint.
Tip: create a playlist in YouTube and call it “Warm Up”. Add these videos to it and avoid faffing around searching for a warm up. Alternatively check out Mr Stingy’s Warm-up playlist on YouTube:
1. 5 minute warm up for at-home workouts, Nicole Pearce
A couple of minutes of light cardio followed by 3 minutes of dynamic stretches for the whole body. No equipment needed.
- Jump rope
- Jumping jacks
- Butt kickers
- High knees
- Alternating back lunge
- Lunge floor twist
- Squats
- Sumo squat – shoulder dip
- Cross-body toe touch
- Hip circles to lunge
- Open and close arms
- Arm circles
2. TRX 5 minute total body warm up #2, Shortcircuits Fitness
One of the best things about using a TRX to warm up is you activate different parts of the body at once, making you more efficient with your time. This 5 minute vid takes full advantage of this, with little transition time between moves. This could double up as a short workout for beginners.
The gentle, soothing nature of trainer Marsha Hughes is oddly juxtaposed against up-tempo dance music, but this it remains a great way to revv up before any workout.
- X back lunge
- Hip hinge
- Side lunge knees up
- Side stretch
- Overhead back extension
- Roll out / push up
- Low row
- Lo Jack
3. How to warm up before a HIIT session (5 min), The Body Coach TV
Everyone’s favourite mockney Joe Wicks shouts us through a great general purpose warmup. No equipment needed.
- Walk to plank
- Plank to spider
- Back side to side
- Knee hug back roll
- Sumo squat to frog
- Cross body toe touch
- Arm circles back and forwards
- Knee up, lunge and twist
4. Dynamic warm up routine follow along, Redefining Strength
An awesome dynamic, fast-paced warm up, working every plane of motion. Instructor Cory explains the reason behind each move. Recommended for intermediate and above.
- Leg swings forward and back, left and right, rotational
- Dynamic squat stretch
- Squat knee rotation
- Side lunges, runners lunge to hamstring stretch
- Cross body toe touch
- Floor wrist stretch
- Shoulder rolls
- Elbow to floor and up
- Camel bridge
- Table top bridge
- Plank with reach out and back